Monday, May 27, 2013

Iced Tea and Same Love: Christina's Blog

I think this guy really epitomizes the idea of an individual influencing social change. Read the article for more information about his life and his company—Honest Tea. It has a good message and their bottled tea tastes great! They’re big into being environmentally conscious  and demonstrate their COMMITMENT to maintaining high standards that promote a better environment. There is also a CONGRUENCY in the way he runs his business with his personal values. Finally, CITIZENSHIP is exhibited by his efforts to use less sugar and democratizing organics. Pretty impressive stuff. I provide a picture as well as the link to the story:

For my other posting—although I may be a bit advanced in age, I am a fan of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. I first heard about them on NPR when they were interviewed for their song “Same Love.” Many of you may have heard about it—I think it has a good message, particular since their genre of music (they identify as being hip-hop) isn’t often seen as being very inclusive. I think they demonstrate a COMMITMENT to inclusiveness and a CONSCIOUSNESS OF SELF in their beliefs. I feel like they examples of some pieces of the 7 C’s in inspiring change through their listeners.

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