Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Visual Representations: Kelsey Schweibert

This song, for me, has always been a favorite, and for this weeks topic in the book, I felt it was very fitting. Michael Jackson's song, Man in the Mirror, is extremely literal in what I am using it for. In the book it is discussed that in order to be a positive leader, we must collaborate and work together, but in order to be an affective member of a social change, we must also evaluate and change ourselves. Change has to start within, understanding what one is fighting for, what powers us within, and making ourselves an example of the change we want to see is the perfect starting point.

For my other visual aid, I actually chose a quote that I had stumbled across a few months ago. There was an excerpt in the book on page 51, where it acknowledges that... "leadership is not stagnant and does not happen through the efforts of a single individual alone; rather, it is dynamic and collaborative. It is an evolving process that takes place in the connection to others." For me, the quote below summed up what was being said. In order to make strives for a better community, self, world or any other place in need of change, leaders need to be able to keep an open mind. Too many people in this world have a "holier than thou" approach to leadership, when really, the strongest sense of a leader is being able to listen, observe, and be open to change ones thoughts. Without being open, how can we expect others to implement and embrace a social change, when we ourselves are not open to exploring and evolving our views and opinions. 

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