Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kate Osbourn Visual Representations of Leadership


The first image that I used is the Emotional Quotient wheel from In teaching it is part of the responsibility of teachers to find the strengths of our students and to help them to capitalize on those strengths. Many people are very familiar with the idea of Intelligence quotient or I.Q. People are less commonly familiar with Emotional Intelligence which is a measure of how well a person empathizes; problem solves, and works with others. A person with a high E.Q. is able to participate in group problem solving, and maintain high regard for all individuals present. A person with a high E.Q is able to maintain high standards, and recognize what is reasonable from other points of view. This measure of emotional intelligence is harder to test than “intelligence”, and so it is often not part of what students are taught, but students with high Emotional Intelligences do well in the world. The wheel of Emotional Intelligence reminds me of the wheel that makes up the outside of the social change model. A person cannot have a high E.Q. without having qualities in many or most of the spokes.

The second image that I chose is a quote from John F Kennedy, a great American president. The saying that Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other is central to the idea that to work together people must first learn from each other, and expand their perspectives in order to come to mutual understandings, and properly empathize with each other. 

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