Monday, June 3, 2013

Christina's Citizenship Posts: Current Event and Two Visuals

Current Event Connection:

This is actually my yoga studio—Just B Yoga, located in REO Town in Lansing. I’ve been practicing here for about two years now and I love it here—much of it due to their mission, which states: “Just B Yoga is a donation-only studio offering yoga, tai chi and salsa dancing for the Lansing community. We strongly believe health and healing should be affordable and accessible. We are a community of teachers and students who believe in Lansing and care about our future.” I think that Belinda, the owner of the studio, definitely exemplifies what it means to be a citizen in the Lansing area. I think she represents several different aspects of individual civic engagement. For example, she provides “direct service” by giving her personal time to be promote healthy living to all sectors of society. I know she’s yoga to reach out to youth and the homeless and she gives way more into the Lansing community than I would think is possible. Also, she does “capacity building” by building networks with other programs and businesses in town to try to make Lansing a better, more vibrant community. All in all, she does some amazing things through your donation-based studio.

Two Citizenship Visuals:

I really like this graphic—pretty self explanatory. Although the emphasis is on global warming, I think about it from the perspective that what we do as individuals can affect the rest of the world. I mean, look at this—the choice to eat less red meat can possibly lead to a better climate and environment for the world! This graphic just reminds me of how interconnected we are as global citizens.

This post will date me a bit, but I remember when Rock the Vote came around. It really changed the way the youth of the time (ahem, me and my friends) thought about voting and civic engagement. They are still around now and still doing good things. I don’t think they are perfect and to be honest, I think their popularity has dropped off a bit, but I still think they have good intentions and are still trying to empower today’s youth to be more politically and civically engaged.

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