Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I chose this image because we are talking about collaboration and how working as a team is especially important for a group's success over the idea of competition. It also brings up the idea that many people do not necessarily learn in competitions, but actually just want to do better than others. Although this team is competitive and in many cases competed against one another in order to get a certain position, overall the different members must work together to achieve an ultimate goal (or in soccer, many goals). Additionally, although the players are individuals, together they form a symbol that many people support. Through this symbol the players are united, as well as the many fans from all over the world.


I chose these music notes because within collaboration and getting along with people, a key skill is listening. It's important for leaders to listen to others to gain trust and understand other people's perspectives. As opposed to just hearing what people saying, listening is an essential skill because that person is making the effort to comprehend the meaning behind another person's words. This can also be expanded to emotional expressions and body language that person is giving off. In this way the listener is in-tune with the other person's needs and seeking to create harmony between them. The main idea of listening is an essential part of communication, which overall is integral for being a strong leader.  

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